
Required Forms:

You will need to print the forms below when registering your child:

Follow the instructions below.

Registration Form:

  • Fill out form completely.  This is extremely important. No application will be accepted with blank lines.
  • These forms can be filled out on your computer and saved.  This is the preferred method.
  • Certain lines may not have an applicable for instance, if you do not have an email address, write N/A.
  • Verify that all information is correct, sign it and make a copy.

Medical History Form: 

  • Fill out form This is extremely important. No form will be accepted with blank lines.
  • Certain lines may not have an applicable for instance, if you do not have insurance or your child does not have allergies, write “none”.
  • Verify that all information is correct, sign it and make a copy.

We understand that you will not be able to provide us with the report cards at this time, however before the season begins (July 31st) we must have these provided. One last note, any child missing any of the following: registration form, hard card, medical history form, proof of residency, or report card will not be allowed to participate in any capacity until the registration staff of the West Volusia Wolves has all required documents in their entirety. Further, if your account is not paid in full by July 31st, you must make arrangements with the treasure prior to participation. We again thank you for your participation in our organization and look forward to a fun and exciting year.